This month is our annual “Music and Muffins” in the fellowship hall. Please join us on Sunday, March 23rd at 2:30 pm. Our students will sing a mix of Christian songs they have learned followed by “The Soup Opera”. The program will last 20 – 25 minutes or so. After the students are done singing there will be a variety of muffins for people to enjoy along with a chance to get to know one another. Please join us for this fun event and support our “little lambs” as they share their talents.

Our enrollment information is ready for the 2025-2026 school year! We have registration forms available for people to fill out or the website can be utilized for registration. The preschool is re-formatting the classes to accommodate the ever-changing needs of families. Our classes will go by days per week and determined by the best fit for the child. Children will be accepted into our school program as young as 2-and-a-half by September 1st of the enrolling school year. If you have any questions or would like more information or a tour, please contact us, our information is provided at the top of this page.

Our preschool students will be learning about forgiveness from the story of the “forgiving father” – the prodigal son, and the story of Zacchaeus. They will also be learning that Jesus watches over, protects, and provides for us with the Bible stories of Jesus feeding 5,000+ people and calming a storm. Jesus has the power to forgive our sins and take care of our daily needs. We can trust in Jesus for His loving protection and fulfilling His promises.

Heads up! In April we will begin our annual spring flower fundraiser. we were able to purchase last. This year we are hoping to purchase regular scooters and 3-wheel scooters – both help with building different muscles and balance. The balance bikes from two years ago are a big hit and we want to add to our outdoor offerings!

Thank you to everyone for your prayerful support and the love you show to this – your – preschool!

Serving our Savior,

Bonnie Huset & Diana Tremain