May the celebration of our Lord’s birth give you peace, comfort, and joy this holiday season.  Our students will be learning about the events leading up to Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem and the wonderful response by the angels and shepherds, who helped spread the good news.  Please join us on Sunday, December 15th, at 2:30 pm in the sanctuary as our students share the great news of Jesus’ birth with their Christmas program!  After the program we will have cookies available in the narthex and material about our preschool.  We thank Thrivent for its donation towards our afternoon.

We are wrapping up our 2025 calendar sales.  Thank you to everyone who helped to support this project. Another thank-you to Thrivent who also sponsored this fundraiser for us. The proceeds are going towards replacing some aging flooring in the classrooms that are becoming a safety issue for our students. If you are still interested in a calendar or two, please call the church office as we can print as requested to fill orders.

Our preschool still has openings in our classes if you or someone you know may be interested in getting a child into our program beginning in January.  It is a great time to begin.  Please contact us by phone, email, or website for more information.

As always, we appreciate and thank you for your continued support by way of prayers, encouragement, donations, time, and manual labor!  Thank you, thank you.

Serving our Savior,

Bonnie Huset & Diana Tremain