Women’s Bible Study

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church 140 E 56th St, Tacoma, WA, United States

We will meet in the kitchenette of the Annex building.  Feel free to bring a “continental” type breakfast/brunch item to share, not required.

Sunday Worship

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church 140 E 56th St, Tacoma, WA, United States

The Epiphany of Our Lord

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church 140 E 56th St, Tacoma, WA, United States

Epiphany, the “Season of Lights,” emphasizes Jesus’ manifestation as God.

Sunday Worship

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church 140 E 56th St, Tacoma, WA, United States

Sunday Worship

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church 140 E 56th St, Tacoma, WA, United States

Annual Congregational Meeting

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church 140 E 56th St, Tacoma, WA, United States

Save the date for the annual congregational meeting.